No more digging around for the right tool. The Systainer Tool Organizer's wooden insert keeps hand tools organized for storage and transport in a Festool SYS 4 Systainer (Tools not included). Sold standard with most of our tools, Festool Systainers offer a rugged, flexible, and convenient means of storing, carrying, and combining tools and accessories. Designed to seamlessly connect to one another and to Festool Sortainers and CT Dust Extractors, the Systainer System makes it possible to configure highly mobile, job-specific kits, keeping you organized and working efficiently. Made of durable, robust, high quality ABS for long service-life. All Systainers share an identical footprint for easy stacking, storing, and transport. Large, centrally positioned, oversized handle makes it easy to carry heavy loads. Systainers are available in 5 different sizes, providing a solution for virtually every need.
- Permanent organisation, clear overview, flexible modules
- Saves significant time, effort, movement, expense
- Simple, compact transport
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